How does the laser remove the ink from skin? Is it sucked out of the skin or pushed deeper, so that you can't see it from the surface? Does it burn it off? Thanks!
The classical answer is lasers break the ink into tiny particles so the immune system can much more easily remove the ink. The lymphatic system removes the ink and it exits through the urine. If doing treatments with blistering, some ink also comes off the top of the skin after the scabs peel. Hopefully you don't pop any blisters!! We have observed immediate dramatic lightening (with a regular non blistering treatment), which lead us to believe there is also a factor of the ink being broken apart and driven deeper, causing it to be less visible. The dramatic immediate lightening was on shaded areas where most of the ink was no longer visible IMMEDIATELY. We caution that it is a very unusually good result and not to be expected. The right lasers cause the ink to very quickly absorb laser energy and explode. Most patients believe lots of energy needs to be used and blisters need to form for the process to be effective. This is false. We see some of our most impressive results using less energy and supporting the immune system. Less energy causes ledd epidermal damage (which is mostly inside and unseen when using less energy). We like when we check up on patients the next day and they report no pain and minimal to no tenderness. Each person is unique and each responds differently. the quality of your nutrition, and lifestyle has the biggest effect. Example one large size patient travels a long way to see us and was instructed to drink close to 100 ounces of water a day. His tattoos are getting lighter and he sent a picture after the 4th treatment when he commented he drank 12 (yes twelve ounces of water that day). We reminded him of the above closer to 100 ounces would speed the fading. But 3 weeks later after reminding him again he said he drank 12 ounces of water that day. So if you are willing to help your body remove the ink, your results will be faster. Very few tatttoo removal practitioners are trained in helping the body remove the ink.
Published on Jul 11, 2012
The laser's work is to explode/activate the ink molecules. Your body does the "removal" work via macrophages under the skin....think Pac-Men. The ink is pulled out from the skin and disposed of by the body in the normal way (e.g., through kidneys, liver, etc.) The laser should be operated by an experience and trained practitioner, preferably in a medical office setting. We have seen burns come from non-medical clinics.
Published on Jul 11, 2012
The tattoo ink is broken down by the heat and light from the laser and
is carried away and disposed of by the blood. It is not pushed deeper
or burned off, but broken apart.
Published on Jul 11, 2012